How to give to our Troop

If you are interested in giving to our Troop and know one our Trailmen, please ask them for their text code so they will get credit for your gift. We are offering incentives to our Trailmen and their families that they are all eager to win. They should give you a text code like 'TLUSAXX to 71777'. Each of our Trailmen or their family will have a TLUSAXX code where XX will be their unique number. They may also send you a website URL that will also direct you to their unique webpage for our fundraiser. They could send you the code or URL by text or email or even just ask you to "Text 'TLUSAXX to 71777'" verbally.

If you don't know any of our Trailmen and would still like to give to our Troop, you can do so by either texting 'TLSUA to 71777' or go to the URL. Both of these will bring up our giving page. Just click 'Make a Donation' and follow the prompts.

Thank you for your gift through your Trailman to our Troop.